Mania Meme

Posted on February 11, 2006 in Mania Memes


square034Everyone is different when it comes to how they express their mania. Last night, I started to make a list of symptoms that I exhibit or feel when I am in mania. Pretty soon, I found myself laughing — I’ve got it bad right now. To tell the truth, I am writing this last night. And today. Which makes perfect sense. But who but a manic would find that fascinating from anything other than a clinical perspective?

Here’s a list of things I do when I am manic. Bipolars: make this a meme. I tag Manica, Maggs, BipolarGuy, Barb, and Jil.

  • Giggle about roadsigns.
  • Walk around the house singing Willie Wonka songs and complain that I can’t get them out of my mind.
  • Roughhouse with the cats.
  • Go for hours and hours without eating, then pig out.
  • Lose focus on the road when I am driving.
  • Speeding.
  • Completely lose track of what I am talking about when on the phone.
  • Hit tabletops just to see everyone’s reaction.
  • Suddenly decide to make this a meme when I had set out to do something entirely different.
  • Write confrontational essays. When very manic, publish those essays.
  • Talk very loudly about being bipolar in public places.
  • Write poetry, short stories, creative fictions. (This is one of the better fruits of mania. If I could choose just one to keep, this would be it.)
  • Speak and write as if I were a prophet. (When I start believing that I am a prophet or God, it is time to check in.)
  • Do everything fast.
  • Read political blogs and get very very pissed at George W. Bush. (This is only a sign of insanity when I get very very pissed. It’s quite normal to be pissed at the bastard.)
  • Use profanity.
  • Dream of flying out to see my friends elsewhere in the world. Now.
  • Keep returning to the computer every time I think I’ve written enough of this list and adding yet one more item.
  • Start screaming at people who everyone — including me — knows aren’t there. No, these aren’t hallucinations. These are delusions — I scream as if they will hear me in their dreams.
  • Start talking back to bad memories.
  • Forgetting why I went to the kitchen. Walking back to the computer. Forgetting why I sat down in front of the computer. Remembering why I was in the kitchen. Going back to the kitchen….
  • Going to bed after writing an article. Getting up because a better word, a missing sentence, or a new take occurs to me. Writing it down. Going back to bed. Getting up because a better word, a missing sentence, or a new take occurs to me…
  • Writing and writing until I am late getting started for an appointment. Driving like a demon to make the appointment.
  • Believe that I can predict what everyone around me is going to say. Find out this is true. Being very terrified of the prospect that I am God.
  • Hear of Descarte’s Demon and being frightened that I am the only person alive. Believe that I am also the Demon. Be very angry that I have constructed such a painful universe for myself to live in.
  • Couch everything I think of in sexual innuendos.
  • Prepare myself to be the next and best Pope, the one who will set the record straight on sex in the church.

Rules for the meme: First, you must be bipolar or schizoaffective. Second, simply make a list of your signs that you are in mania. Third, tag up to five people to keep the meme going.

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